Aquamarine is March's Birthstone Aquamarine remove emotional toxicity and encourage feelings of inner peace
My husband does all my casting, but I create all my original designs. Many times, you can see my fingerprints in the wax. The sliced cork jewelry is all cast from natural cork that has beautiful texture and we use wine, champagne or whatever cork we find. We can even use your special cork and make sentimental one of a kind pieces.
The first piece of copper jewelry I made was when I was learning how to form a copper cuff and handling a hammer. I learned there is a rhythm when striking the metal. Hammering came natural for me so I decided to add this texture to my jewelry. I owe all my techniques to my wonderful husband the jeweler and mentor.
~Audrey Hoffman
Taking care of your jewelry: This piece of jewelry is high polished and oxidized so it will keep its patina that it has. If you want to shine it up just use a polishing cloth, which we have available under Accessories.
Tigers eye Stone is a crystal with lovely bands of yellow-golden color through it. Tiger’s Eye is a most ancient talisman, mysterious and powerful, revered and feared - an “all-seeing all-knowing eye,” thought to grant a wearer the ability to observe everything, even through closed doors. It was chosen by the Egyptians for the eyes in their deity statues to express divine vision, and was believed to provide the protection of the sun and earth combined, of Ra, the sun god and Geb, god of the growing land.
Connecting with Tiger's Eye properties can help you recognize your strengths and talents, allowing you to expand your mind so you can reach your full potential. If you need to take a fresh approach at work or you're looking for a solution to personal issues, the Tiger's Eye meaning can help you consider the situation from all angles, like the practical and reasoned encouragement that comes from a life coach. In the case of the Tiger's Eye crystal and other healing gemstones, crystal healing can be amazingly effective when it comes to coaching you through life's greatest challenges.
The largest numbers of tigers eye are found in South Africa, but it also comes from Brazil, India, Burma, Western Australia and USA.
Aquamarine is March's Birthstone Aquamarine remove emotional toxicity and encourage feelings of inner peace